Yes, I'm a Fabulous Woman

My preaching debut! Experiencing God's love!

Henry was a troublesome preschooler. He knew the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, but he just wouldn't sit still and was always causing some form of commotion in the classroom. His teacher who had just come out of training did not know what to do. All her cries of 'Henry sit down', and 'Henry stop it' fell on deaf ears. This went on for some time, until one day the teacher spoke sincerely to Henry. She put her arm around Henry's shoulders and told him, "Henry, you're my friend you know! I like you very much. She let him be the leader of a marching song once, and that was the last time Henry ever disturbed in class. He was transformed from then on. Love! It's the most powerful force in the world. God is love! V 9 of our passage says “By this God’s love was revealed in us, that God has sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” ‭‭Let's just concentrate on God's love for a minute. God is love! It is not possible to separate love from God. That is His nature. That is who God is, and our human minds cannot even understand it completely. His love is unconditional. His love is infinite, it has no end. He wants relationship. He wants you. Jer 31:3 says I have loved you with an everlasting love. That is God talking. He says, "I love you". I love you ... Child's name, Adam, Eve. But the world seems not to receive His love. How come? Why is it so difficult for the world to believe that God loves them? Why would people reject the gospel, which is a simple 'God loves you and wants you to come to Him'? Why would even believers find it hard to accept that God loves them? One factor is Satan's lies. He's been lying from the beginning, and believe me, he's very good at it. He started in the garden of Eden, and he nailed it the first time! "God isn't interested in your welfare. Why would he leave you in this horrible situation? Why hasn't he rescued you? To Eve he said, Why doesn't he want you to eat the nicest fruit in the garden? He's keeping the best thing away from you. Eve believed his lies, and the whole world has followed suit. His best lie is "God doesn't love you".  sound file?