July 2007

July 2007
Dear Friends,
All too soon it is time for another newsletter. I hope you all got the chance to read my first newsletter. I had a lot of trouble sending it out, and I finally resorted to a web-log on the internet.

I guess you are wondering what those words up there mean? Well, each one stands for a page of the wordless book, which is the backbone of child evangelism. It tells about the streets of gold, where God Himself lives; it tells how God created all mankind to inhabit the earth. It tells how much God loves us and wants us to be with Him (I have loved you with an everlasting love Jer 31:3), but it also tells about the holiness of God, which means that there can be no sin in or near him.

One characteristic of gold is that it goes through a blazing fire until all the impurities have been burnt out. That is exactly how I have felt these past few months, like a piece of gold being refined. It has been a real baptism of fire, getting down to the nitty-gritty of child evangelism. I’m not perfect yet; He’s still working on me, burning out the dross and making me more like Jesus. With God’s help I have prevailed, and I have set my face like a flint, I will not turn back, no matter the difficulties that come my way, I am ready. Just thinking of those children who will be wearing crowns of glory with me in heaven one day is enough reward to keep me going.


The dark page stands for man’s sin, the stumbling block between God and man. Sin is anything we think, say or do that does not please God. We all know the things that we do that do not please God. The bible says that (ALL mankind has sinned and has fallen short of attaining God’s glory Rom. 3:23). There is no way we can find our way back to God on our own, because our sins have separated us from God. Our first parents, Adam and Eve sinned, and their fellowship with God was cut off right from that day.

When people come to know the Lord, a great load is taken off them, the darkness they were groping in vanishes, and it is replaced by the glorious light of God. Periods of darkness are not always bad though. The darkest time of night is actually just before dawn, helping us to appreciate the sun better when it bursts out in all its beauty. Whatever you may be going through, please know that it is just temporary, until the dawn appears.


The blood of Jesus, the Son of God, atoned for all our sins; He took my punishment; He took your place. He shed His spotless blood on the cross for us because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness (Heb. 9:22). He died and was buried in a borrowed grave, but after three days he didn’t need that grave anymore, because He arose from the grave in victory, triumphing over all principalities and powers and paving the way to heaven for us, where He is now praying for us.

Red means stop. For a few months now I have been forced to stop and think. When I came back from CMI, I was full of zeal to put my transcription business aside and go full time into children’s ministry. However, again, and again, I have felt that Still, Small Voice, telling me to put the brakes on. It took some time for me to hear it, I tell you; I never thought it was possible for God not want me to go full time into ministry, but over and over again, I have come up against a stone wall. After much prayer, I have come to the conclusion that it is not God’s will for me to be a full time children’s minister. As such, my transcription and secretarial business still stands, and I invite all of you to send in your jobs. What I have done is to engage the services of a friend, and if the job is too heavy for the hours I keep, I share it with him. I pray that this arrangement works out well, so that I can have the time to do the work that the Saviour Himself has commissioned me with.


But as many as received Him, He gave to them authority to become the children of God, to those who believe on His name (John 1:12). This is where we now stand: Jesus has bridged the chasm between God and man. He stands with outstretched arms, longing for you to accept His offer. All you have to do is:

Admit that you are a sinner
Believe that Jesus came to die to take away your sin
Choose the Saviour and give Him total control of your life

He will come in and wash your sin stained garments in His blood, give you a new garment of righteousness and come in and fellowship with you, making your life one of worship and service.
After hearing the voice of God and choosing to obey Him, I have felt such peace and contentment that I wouldn’t trade this for anything. After all, ‘Obedience is better than sacrifice’ 1 Sam. 15:22. I am content with working 2½ days for God and humanity and devoting the rest of the time to my work.
My club, Peace like a River Good news Club, which started with 3 children has had the number multiplied to 18. I am pleased to report that Emmanuel (talked about in my previous letter) is now a believer; thank you for praying! One boy, also called Emmanuel came to the club for some time when he came to live in the next house. He was living with his dad and step-mum. He accepted Christ, but a few weeks later, it was decided that he would be better off with his own mum, and he has now moved to another part of Accra. I have not had any contact with him after that, but I am glad that he heard and understood the message of salvation and accepted Christ before he left. I still pray for him, and I know God is able to keep him in His bosom.
Another boy, Godsway, burst out one day, “I want to stop stealing!” as he put up his hand to accept Christ. To the glory of God, he has not stolen anything since that day.
The Green Page
The green page stands for growth. Once the child is saved, there are 5 things that this child needs to do to grow in the Lord. The first one is to build a relationship with the Lord through prayer, that is frequent conversation with God. Secondly, s/he should also pray in confession when they go against God’s rules. (If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9). Third they should start reading their bibles to know more about God. Starting from the book of Mark, s/he can read a number of verses according to how old they are. A ten year old will read 10 verses a day, etc. etc. Fourthly, they should start going to church where they can hear more about God. The last thing is to tell others about Christ so that others may also hear the message of salvation.
Green means go, go, go, as our popular children’s song goes. Now it is full guns ahead. I have resumed my weekly visits to Osu Children’s Home, and I asked if I could tell bible stories to the 4 and 5 year olds sometimes, as they have a Preschool there. They said I could, so I went for my first time in the last week of June. One of the children had just died so the atmosphere was quite sombre. I did not have the chance to tell my story, but I will go every Wednesday as long as the Lord gives me strength. Preschoolers are a delight to be with, so I do not anticipate getting tired of it any time soon.
On Tuesdays I go to BASICS, a kind of shelter run by an African American lady who left the comfort of the United States to come to Ghana and help needy children. BASICS stands for Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Pat (that’s the lady’s name) goes to the Korle Gonno beach and ‘takes into custody’ the children she sees loitering there. After that the child brings his/her parents, and some sort of sponsorship is set up. The child starts school at Pat’s expense and apart from fees, the school uniform, school bag and stationery and shoes for school are provided. If the child is in the morning stream, s/he comes to BASICS in the afternoon and stays there till 5:00 pm. They do their homework or an academic exercise, they play games and are taught basic etiquette, and a meal is provided before they go back to their various homes. Apparently CEF workers have been visiting the place on and off, and now I have the opportunity to go and tell bible lessons once a week. Six of the children gave their lives to Christ the first time I went, and last week the most troublesome boy, Nii Otoo gave his life to Christ. I hope many more will get to hear of the Saviour’s love.
I also help out once a month at State House/Independence Square where Women Aglow hold their monthly prayer meetings for the nation. Being women, their children are never far behind them, and they asked CEF to provide volunteers who would come and handle the children for them. We go on the third Saturday of every month, and it is always a fruitful time.
I taught at my first ‘Teaching Kids Effectively’ class at Madina in April. About 30 people assembled to learn how to reach children. I taught ‘Counselling the child for Salvation.’ The results were disastrous. I did not do well at all, and the supervisor even gave me my slip back so that he would not have to record such low marks for me. It was quite humiliating, but then quitters never win. I am really dreading my next class though.
We are just entering the season of radio for Accra East. The year has been divided into three month portions so that every CEF office has the chance to be on radio. The good-news-club-on-air is now under new management and is much more interesting than it used to be, and I am pleased to be a part of it. I would encourage you and any child around you to tune in to Channel R 92.7 and listen in from 10:00 to 11:00 am.
Our school programme is still running, and many more lives have been given to Christ. I need strength to go on. I am trying to get another school to start operating in. If I succeed, my friend and I will split ourselves between the two schools.
I am now part of a choir, Music Ministry Chorale, run by Mr R Acquaah-Harrison. Since I had to give up singing in the choir when I started teaching at the Sunday School, I am grateful I have this chance to praise the Lord in song once again.
… Praise & Prayer
Praise the Lord for the 20 children who have given their lives to Christ this year.
Praise God for the strength He has given me to do this work. It can be quite strenuous sometimes, and I thank God for sustaining me.
Praise the Lord with me for Music Ministry Chorale. They shun mediocrity and I think the discipline will be good for me. Pray also for the leader, Mr Acquaah-Harrison; that his vision will stand and God will give him the strength to carry on.
Pray for my partner in school programme, Afua Segu-Quartey, that God will strengthen her also in this children’s ministry.
Pray that God will give me wisdom for the next TCE class I will be teaching. Pray that all fear will be taken away from my heart.
Pray that God will lead and guide me in my ministry. Pray that I will hear when He speaks and do only His will.
All in all things have gone well. I look to God for all that He has in store for me for the future. Until we meet online once more, its bye from me.
God bless!