Last Sunday was Children’s Day at our church, and the preschoolers, who did the opening act, had a very important message for us. To the tune of “Happy Birthday to you”, they sang, “Be no-t deceived, God i-s not mocked, whatsoever a man sow- eth, that sh-all he reap!” Truth from the mouth of babes! (This was two years ago actually). It was a very simple song yet one with such deep meaning, and a great reminder to the adults. Though we laughed and clapped, I think the truth sunk in.

Galatians 6:7 is a great reminder to us today as well. Do not be deceived! God is NOT mocked! A man reaps whatever he sows! In the light of this verse, what manner of people ought we to be? We should be people who plant seeds of goodwill all around us, is the obvious answer. People with a pleasant disposition all around. Before salvation, the bible tells us that our righteousness is like filthy rags (Is. 64:6). However, after we come to Christ, our acts of righteousness are a sweet smelling fragrance to Him (Rom 12:1) (Jas 2:22). Christians should be busy using their bodies for things that will be pleasing to the Master. We should all be setting out to deliberately do good each day; helping our fellow Christians and behaving just like Christ would.

What can you do to help others today?