Do you remember how many years ago it was that we experienced the eclipse of the sun in Ghana? I remember that it was in March, four years ago, I think. It was a powerful picture of our God! Let’s imagine God was the sun, and the shadow of the moon was our circumstances. Did the fact that the shadow was covering the sun mean that the sun would never shine again? No, not at all. The shadow quickly passed.

Some of us do behave like the sun will never shine again, though. We need to press on in faith. Let me illustrate. Some time ago, I received a word from God, which I embraced wholeheartedly. Just a few weeks later, something happened which seemed completely opposite to the word I had received. It was a terrible time, with many tears and much confusion. However, after some time, the situation began to ease and God’s word in my life came true. Let God be true and every man a liar! When our circumstances tell a different story from God’s word, let us continue to hold on to Him in faith!

I have always known we Christians have been commanded not to be afraid; in fact, when I was growing up Joshua 1:9 was my favourite verse. It goes like this: Be strong and of a good courage; Be not afraid, nor dismayed, for I the Lord your God am with you wherever you go. There are actually 366 “fear not’s” in the Bible, one for every day of the year and even one for the extra day in a leap year!

But it wasn’t until recently that I discovered that feeding your fear disqualifies you from the battle completely! In Deuteronomy 20 when the Israelite troops were getting ready for war, this is what God commanded about those who were afraid. "Is any man afraid or fainthearted? Let him go home so that his brothers will not become disheartened too." Wow!

All of us have been afraid at one time in our lives or the other, but once we allow that fear to paralyze us, we have been defeated already. Earlier in that chapter, God says, When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.

What else can I say? It’s your choice today. Will you allow fear to immobilize you and make you turn back, or will you go on, in spite of any fear you may feel, knowing that the Lord your God has promised to be with you wherever you go?

Last week I passed a construction company that was repairing a patch of road. The machines had done their levelling, and the final touch was a layer of tar on the affected spot. One man was pouring on the tar out of an old watering can. He was wearing gloves and the whole can was covered in tar. A vivid picture came to mind.

Is your life like a tar bucket? Do people need gloves to handle you because of all the filth they can see in your life? Are you known for your graciousness in Christ or for your acid tongue and wayward behaviour?

We were all tar buckets once, sinking hopelessly in the tar pit of sin. Oh, but thank God for Jesus! We saints have been rescued by His mighty hand and are now cleansed by His precious blood. I am no longer a tar bucket!

Once redeemed, however, it is possible to go back and get covered in tar once more so that no one can see the light of Christ shining in us (I'm talking about character here, this has nothing to do with getting to heaven). We can be so consumed by bitterness and unforgiveness – I could go on in an endless list of vices, that it consumes our whole life. One simple question to seriously ask yourself is, “Who am I when I’m alone?” Who are you when you are at home where there is no pastor or church member to see the way you behave? For me, I was the one who would scream people’s heads off at the slightest provocation. I have handed my temper to God now. (Of course, God still accepts us with all our vices, but shall we continue to sin that grace may abound?)So today, I ask you: do the members of your household know you as a tar bucket or as a beacon of Christ’s love? Over to you!